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Scrim. A loose woven, flimsy-looking cloth, composed entirely of two-ply cotton yarn, both warp and filling, and resembles a fine meshed fish net. Scrim is usually made in bright colored stripe and plaid effects. It is peculiarly adapted to the draper's art, as it is a light-weight creation, therefore soft and pliable; it is also used as a fly net for horses in the summer time. Scrim is made of 2-20s cotton, dry color, in both warp and filling, and as a fabric requires nothing in the nature of a finish except being run through a hot pr.ess, simply to smooth the wrinkles which may occur during the process of weaving. By using 3-10s and 4-10s cotton warp and filling, and of course in proper proportions, we produce hammocks and material for laundry bags with this same scrim weave, or, to be correct, gauze weave. Scrim can be woven in any power loom, but best results are obtained by using a light running loom such as Bridesburg or Mutual.
SCRIM WEAVE OR LACY EFFECT can be produced by using a regular doupe set of harness, but the best, quickest and cheapest method is by using an attachment known as theAshoff motion, which is an improved set of harness or heddle and heddle shafts built especially for this kind of effects in cloth. This motion consists of two heavy wooden frames built similar to heddle frames and suspended in the loom from the top roller, in the manner in which old roller looms were equipped for weaving gingham. In place of heddles these frames are filled with a coarse reed, in accordance with number of splits per inch required for fabric; these reed dents are plugged with lead, alternately top and bottom, and two ends are drawn straight through both harnesses.
THE ASHOFF MOTION makes a shed in the regular roller loom style or by treddle or cam, and has likewise a sideway movement, which is obtained by placing a small eccentric on the bottom loom shaft. Near the side of loom this eccentric is connected by a one-half inch iron rod with a pair of bevel gears which are fastened on the loom frame at a point equal to the centre of the shed. These gears are in turn coupled by smaller rods to the heddle frames, and create the side motion, which allows the threads to operate in a sort of rolling motion or, in other words, each thread rolls half-way round its mate thread and the filling pick, binding it in, and on the next pick the roll is reversed, and this creates the lacy effect. Use regular 2-20s. cotton yarns and set the warp about 44 inches in the reed, 20 ends and 20 picks per inch; will weigh about 1% ounces and measure about 36 inches wide from loom.
A textile lover's diary