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Hammock Crash

This cloth, as the name implies, is used in the making of hammocks. It is made strong and durable to stand the strain and wear that it is subjected to and can be woven on almost any or dinary loom. It is generally made in three grades, viz., best, medium and low. The best grades are generally made on the jacquard loom, so that very elaborate patterns may be introduced. A 400 tie-up is generally used, but any tie may be used according to the requirements of the design and quality of the cloth. The warp is generally composed of three or four or more colors of yarn, the colors being very bright and contrasting, such colors as green, red gold and black taking a prominent Tart. The design is generally an extensive and elaborate one and in stripe form, but designs of the following character are sometimes employed, with particulars as follows

hammock crash

The warp is woven with an even tension and where a gauze or leno weave is used, two or more beams are necessary and the necessary slackners.
When the warp is composed of several colors of yarn, the filling is generally used undyed or in one solid color. Semi-fancies (generally of medium quality) and plain or lower grade cloths may be woven on harness looms (16 to 24 harness being employed). Plain or lower grade cloths are sometimes woven in looms having a cross-weaving or gauze-reed attachment when the weave is a gauze or leno, which is generally the case. These cloths (medium grade) are not made as strong and compact as the first quality; the particulars being as follows: Warp: 14 ends per 1 in., % cotton, 7 x 2 dent reed. Filling: 12 picks per 1 in., % cotton. The weave is generally a semi-fancy one, i. e.. plain weave for 2 in. or 3 in. and then a gauze stripe or gauze stripes at irregular intervals across the warps.

The colorings in warp are similar to the first grade coloring, and the design Is less elaborate, sometimes on the following order:

The cheapest qualities are much lighter in weight and more open in texture, the particulars being as follows: Warp: 8 ends per 1 in, % cotton, 8 dent reed x 2; mess every other dent Filling: 7 picks per 1 in., % cotton. The weave is generally a gauze one, one that is largely used, being 3 picks plain and 1 pick gauze. This quality is often made with undyed cotton warp and filling and is dyed in the piece a solid color. It may also be made with colored warp Lhreads, but on account oi the scarcity of warp threads less effective results are obtained than are obtained in the first two grades. A typical sample Is herewith enclosed, but is a little better quality than the particulars given refer to. These cloths are generally made by manufacturers who make up their own cloths into hammocks and sell in this form. They require no finishing, as they are made up into hammocks in the condition as taken from the looms, except in cases where the goods are to i/e dyed. DRAPERY FOR HAMMOCKS. In making hammocks, hangings or draperies are employed and these cloths are closely related to the hammock cloth. They ore made on the same looms as hammock cloths and are of the same texture. The yarn used is the same generally, but the cloth need not be as strong aa the body cloth. The ends and picks per 1 in. may be a little lowar. The drapery cloths are made two in a width, there being 12 in. or 14 in. of the reed empty between the two cloths.

The filling is thrown across m tine regular manner, and when the cloth is woven, the filling is cut in the centre of space between the cloths and the ends thus formed constitute the fringe of the hangings, which fringe is knotted in various ways to make the hanging more effective. In order to secure the warp threads at the inside edge of drapery while weaving, the two ends nearest the fringe side are made to cross each other in weaving and make a firm selvage tor the actual cloth. The warp yarn may be either in colored stripe form or solid color, and the filling solid color, or both warp and filling may be in undyed state and dyed in the piece when n-oven. The draperies are made to match tne body, similar colorings and designs being employed.
WEAVES TO EMPLOY. The best qualities have generally jacquard effects, and as the texture is not so compact, the plain weave must be used extensively in ground, the figure being either 5 harness satin or 3—1 twill. Low grade cloths are made almost exclusively wit~ the gauze weave, the following being a typical one: The medium qualities as made on harness looms have weaves of the following character, the plain weave being conspicuous in order to make a firm cloth:

Low grade cloths are made almost exclusively wit~ the gauze weave, the following being a typical one:
A textile lover's diary