belovedlinens textiles




Ecru (pr. ay-kroo).    Light tan, deeper than cream.

Ecru silk. Silk which has only a small amount of natural gum removed

Egyptian cotton. Long staple, fine, strong cotton grown in Egypt. Brownish color. Used extensively in knitted goods, particularly in hosiery.

Eiderdown. Name derived from the down of the cider duck. Warm, light, elastic cloth with heavy nap on one or both sides. Made on a cotton knitted foundation. Loose wool yarns or cotton or mixtures are knitted into stockinette by the same machine which constructs the material. Surface is napped to give light, fluffy feel. Yarn- or piece-dyed. White or colors. Uses: infants'wear, bathrobes, and negligees. Weave—knitted structure. Width, double faced (nap on both sides), 27", 36", 45"; single faced (cotton back, wool nap), 36".

Embossing. Fabric pressed between engraved rollers with heat to give a raised effect, similar to embossed stationery. Washing or steaming removes the design. Embossed velvet or plush is done by weaving the pile high and shearing it to different levels or by pressing part of the pile flat.
Embroidery linen.    See Art linen.
Emerizing. Kind of fine napping done with an emery-covered cylinder which makes the surface of cloth resemble suede or chamois.    Chamoisettt* for gloves is emerized.
End.   Warp yarn or thread.
English foot. Full-fashioned hose with seam on each side of foot made in England for sports hose.
Eolienne or Eolian. From the Greek, iEolus, God of the Winds. Similar to poplin, only lighter in weight. Characterized by heavy filling yams which produce a cord effect. Usually silk warp with cotton or worsted filling. Piece-dyed. Uses: same as poplin. Weave—plain. Width, 36", 40".
Epingle. Fine rib effect running crosswise of cloth. A variety of fabrics are referred to as epingles.

Eponge. French meaning sponge, (pr. ay-pongzh). Soft, loose fabric similar to rating in cotton, wool, silk or rayon. Warp hard twisted with nubby or looped filling yarns. Like ratine, not always in fashion. Uses: dresses, suits. Weave—plain.    Width, 48", 52".    See Ratine.
Etamine (Fr. pr. ay-tah-meen). Smooth, wiry material similar to bunting or voile but more open. Cotton or worsted fabric. Often fancy effects in weave and finish are introduced in etamines. Excellent for wear except as loose threads may pull. Use: dresses. Weave—plain. Width, 36", 42".
Etofie. (Fr. pr. ay-toff). General French term for textile fabrics.
Everfast*.    See Fast color fabrics.
Extract. 1. Printing. See Discharge printing. 2. Wool. Fibres recovered from cotton and wool mixtures by carbonizing the cotton in sulphuric acid bath.


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