Cir. 1610 Alphabet (part). Anne Oower.
Cir. 1610 Name of maker. Anne Oower.
Cir. 1610 Alphabet in eyelet-stitch. Anne Oower.
1630-40 Verse. Loara Standish.
1708 House and tree (doubtful).
1714 Church (doubtful).
1718 Pot of flowers.
1718 Use of "carpet." "Ashur" and "Elisha." Mary Leavitt.
1720 Numerals.
1721 First border used as a frame. Mary Daintery.
1730 Shepherdess. Mary or Martha Bulyn.
1738 Lord's Prayer and Creed in Tablets. Hannah Trecothick.
1738 Queen-stitch.
1743 Multiplication Table. Mary Ellis.
1747 Grapes of Eschol.
1750 Applique^ dress and real hair.
1752 Abraham and Isaac. South Carolina.
1754 Heart.
1756 Eagle.
1763 Revival of lace-work, "hollie-point," "darned lace," and drawn-work.
1766 House.
1778 First Public Building. Brown University and the Old State House, Providence,
Rhode Island.
1780 Painted Sampler. John Mason.
1791 Anchor.
1799 Public Buildings. Liberty Hall. Ann Macomber
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